Lapis Emblem Wool Rug

Lapis Emblem Wool Rug

A mix of cut pile and looped yarns gives the Lapis Emblem Wool Rug its textured, heathered appearance. Each rug is handcrafted in a Fair Trade Certified facility where the artisans have chosen to use the premium they earn from Fair Trade production to fund additional healthcare coverage. $199-$999. Buy here.

Fringed Hand-Loomed Rug

Fringed Hand-Loomed Rug

In the tradition of tribal weavers of Persia, artisans dye sections of fine wool to varying saturation, then mix them for a range of tonality as they weave. The Fringed Hand-Loomed Rug is loomed without a backing for the silky, fluid feel of an heirloom tribal rug. Luster washed for rich, mellow color and a silky feel. $129-$749. Buy here.

Peacock Daker Rug

Peacock Daker Rugs

It’s only natural that this peacock-inspired Daker Rug boasts the feathery ikat style. What’s surprising is how effortlessly it combines 100% hand-tufted wool, gorgeous shades of blue and a repeating ogee pattern. $499.95-$949.95. Buy here.