I’m Back!

After a very long hiatus, I’m attempting to revive this blog. Please note all posts beyond this point are very old and most links are probably not active.

Marble Standing Laundry Bag Hamper

Marble Standing Laundry Bag Hamper

This Marble Standing Laundry Bag Hamper doubles as a standing hamper made exclusively for UO by Concrete Cat. Established in Canada in 2007, Concrete Cat re-imagines industrial concrete into objects of art using color, pattern + form. Their marbled concrete is achieved through a unique hand-patterning process created by and held in exclusive copyright by them. This material was then digitally photographed and printed right onto this durable standing canvas laundry bag equipped with circular pop-up handles that fold down to create the perfect hamper opening. $39 Sale $24.99. Buy here.