
My name is Erin and I’m obsessed with the color turquoise. Each day I search the web for all things fabulous in the color turquoise…fun things for you home, clothes, shoes, handbags…anything and everything turquoise! Just click on the link to go to the retailer’s website!

Visit my interior design blog House of Turquoise for even more inspiration and eye candy!

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. Just found your blog searching for a turquoise bathmat and omg – what an amazing collection & such a cool blog concept! It looks like you haven’t updated in a while but I wanted to send a lil message anyway cause I had so much fun looking through your posts :–)

    p.s. – if you have any good turquoise bath mat recs off the top of your head, i’m still in the market LOL

  2. Hi babe I’ve been looking everywhere for a journal and you have one that I love! However, of course, the webpage isn’t working. Do you have idea if I can still order it and where? It was the Embossed Suede Journal.

  3. Hi I am in love turquoise as well..I see you post you had the turquoise miller sandals..Do you have anymore or knows anyone selling size 9 please and thank you?

  4. Hi Erin,I purchase this pillow sunflower burst teal in 2012 and have been trying to get 2 more without success,can you help me out.I love this turquoise pillow in my living room.

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